
Monday, January 31, 2022

Bible: Starting your Bible Journal

Prayer Journal: Write a 5-7 sentence prayer about God becoming the most important thing in your life.

Bible Journal: Create a cover for your Bible Journal (you can draw a picture; be creative), and then on the second page of your Bible Journal, write down 10 observations from Daniel 2

An observation can be:
    *something you want to know more about
    *something that confused you
    *questions you have about something you read
    *cool things you noticed
    *not-so cool things you noticed
    *something you want to remember for later

You can also draw, color, paste pictures of magazines, in your journal if you want. Be colorful and creative!

English: Introducing Typing Stories

Typing Task: take twenty minutes and type out a portion of a book. We will continue to work on typing the book this semester, to improve typing speed, vocabulary, and understanding of how a story is written.

Homework: study chapter 1: Phrases and Clauses and prepare for Quiz on Wednesday.

Prepare: tomorrow we will begin scenework for your story!

English: Wordle Challenge

 Wordle 256 3/6 ⬜⬜⬜🟨🟨 🟩🟩⬜⬜🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 Good job everyone!